Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Take this test!

You may not cry all the time, or insist on black nail polish, but you still aren't fooling anyone. Even if you try to keep your emo tendencies under control, your studded belt buckle is still showing, and we're pretty sure we saw you doodling black hearts the other day.

Go ahead and deny it all you want, but it's pretty obvious. You have a heart and a sensitive side, and you put them both to good use. Maybe you don't look on the bright side quite often enough, though. Try to embrace the good things in life a little more — you'll see that the glass is actually half full!


Take this test!

How great would it be to get thrust up on your adoring fans' shoulders? To see people running to say thank you for all the beautiful work you do? To have a bookcase chock-full of awards and trophies? It's no wonder that you just can't get enough when it comes to glory. And with your drive and competitive sprit, it's no wonder. A pro at working your way to the top, you make sure nothing stands in your way — and that you get credit. Admit it, don't you sort of wish you could still get merit badges for all the great things you do every day?

Even though it'd be nice to be born rich like a Hilton, have an ultra-famous parent, or get to sweep up all the swag bag goodies at Sundance, you'll be much happier in the long run if you actually earn your attention. And we have no doubt you will!

Take this test!

Raise your hand if you can picture yourself at the head of the class — any class. Though sometimes you might crack under pressure, that doesn't mean you're not brave and strong; you just care about doing things right. After all, you don't want to mess up your toads' eye and frogs' blood spell, do you?

Some people might say you could stand to work a bit less, but you know a little sweat will get you right to the top. And, hey, if you have a spare second can you help us with our homework? Thanks!

I knew it!

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